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Zucchini with Wasabi Cream

Monday, August 2, 2010

Among squashes like pumpkin or butternut squash zucchini has a rather bland taste when used alone. So very often it is mixed with other vegetables in stir fries or used as a side dish. Zucchini of a bigger size has better more distinctive taste, but for some reason growers do not allow this vegetable to mature and end its life in the beginning. My today's recipe was a surprise inspiration from my recent obsession with Japanese vases. I guess, I have a Japanese period in my life :) Once in a while I fry zucchini rounds just as a nice summer addition to the evening table, but I never managed to make my beloved hubby eat "this disgusting stuff". When frying zucchinis, I suddenly remembered that I have dry wasabi powder in my fridge that had been sitting there for a while, and a new presentation for zucchinis was born in a wink.

What you need:
1-2 zucchinis, sliced diagonally 1/3" thick
Olive oil for frying
3 tb spoons sour cream
1 t spoon wasabi powder

Actually there is no method here. It is so simple that there is almost nothing to tell.
Fry zucchini slices until golden, place on serving dish lined with paper towels to absorb access oil.
Prepare cream: mix sour cream with wasabi and salt to taste, and serve it with zucchinis.

Hot and sharp taste of wasabi changes the impression of neutral zucchinis completely. It's like wearing new fashionable shoes with an old dress - it gives you a drastically new look.
What is most interesting and could be counted as my other culinary victory, Alex tried one piece with a finical face on, and confessed it was good!

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